DVS Technology Group

T +49 6074 304060

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Main gearing for wind turbines

Main gearing for wind turbines

Wind turbine nacelles house a drivetrain that is made of power-transmitting, rotating components. These components are medium-sized to very large rotating parts with a diameter of up to approx. 4,000 mm. The technology toolbox from DVS enables the manufacture and complete processing of these components – The result is efficiency and the highest quality.

Geared components such as ring gears, planetary wheels and bevel gears determine the performance in the planetary gears in wind turbines. The better the components, the higher the efficiency of the systems and the lower the noise during rotation.

Our services:

  • Soft and hard turning, external and internal cylindrical grinding, gear grinding

For components such as:

  • planetary carriers, planetary wheels, ring gears, bevel gears

Our technologies and solutions

Case StudiesConvincing practice

The expansion of wind energy is creating demand for gearbox components for wind turbines. This requires rotor drive manufacturers to rethink short delivery times, innovative production and assembly processes, and new production lines.

But how can complex drive components be manufactured economically? Using efficient manufacturing processes and high-performance quality control. Read here why you can rely on our machines and expertise for even the most demanding gear components.


Zentrale Bauteile moderne Windanlagen von DVS Technology Group

We will be happy to send you examples of application cases for well-known manufacturers and Tier 1 suppliers in the wind energy industry - simply fill out the answer form!

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SALESGood solutions start by listening carefully

“We are your perfect partner for anything related to mechanical machining – especially when it comes to complex tasks.”

Get in touch with our expert and let him know what you need:

Andreas Prosswimmer
Head of Business Development

T +49 (0)6074 30406-17
