Praewema Antriebstechnik GmbH

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In the latest generation of PRÄWEMA SynchroFormV® and SynchroFine, the so-called VSD technology is used for dressing the honing tools. "VSD" stands for VarioSpeedDressing® and describes a dressing process with a geometrically defined cutting edge in which only the leading cutter of the dressing tool enters the honing wheels.

The "i" in VSDi refers to the dressing of honing stones or honing wheels designed for honing internal gears. The VSDi dressers are manufactured at Präwema Antriebstechnik on machines specially designed for the tool.

This finishing process creates a homogeneous structure of the cutting edge surface on the VSDi dresser. An extremely high surface quality is created, which is transferred to the honing stone and ultimately to the workpiece during the dressing process. With the result that the reproducibility and surface quality of tooth flanks is optimised once again and the noise level of the machined parts in the gearbox is further reduced.

The classic VarioSpeedDresser® for dressing honing rings for external honing are and distributed by DVS TOOLING, another subsidiary of the DVS TECHNOLOGY GROUP.

Your advantages


Patented dressing technology for hard fine machining of internal/external gears


Targeted correction possibilities through combination of defined cutting edge and machine axes


High flexibility by utilising the machine axes fhα; fhβ; cβ; ….


Targeted interlocking possible


Smallest possible corrections (<1um) through high-precision production


Contact & Service Good solutions start with listening closely

Do you have any questions about our tool program or workpiece portfolio?

Do you have questions about an individual application, would you like further information or a concrete offer?

We offer you individual solutions for the production and machining of toothed components.

Matthias Schweisshelm – Head of Sales Präwema Tools