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Tool Management
Your tool knows how to do it better Tool Management

If you could listen to your tools, they would tell you when they are reaching their limits, when processes and performance are no longer safe. With DVS Tool Management, this is exactly what happens: You gain valuable data directly from your tools, use smart analyses and thus receive support to stabilize processes, optimize performance and ensure your tool supply at all times - you gain efficiency, quality and operational reliability.


The digital tool file documents all tool data from production and operation - the perfect basis for analyzing, predicting and avoiding deviations.


The smart analysis of the tool data tells you where you can specifically intervene to increase the tool life and reduce tool costs.


Depending on the production targets and by analyzing the performance data, the software forecasts the tool requirements and even triggers replenishment if desired to ensure continuous production.

How DVS Tool Management works

In DVS Tool Management, each tool is assigned a unique identification number. With this number, you can access all tool data at any time via the DVS Connect platform. A comprehensive picture for detailed evaluations and forecasts is created from the master data, logs and usage history of the tool. You can store notifications on tools and configure alarms for limit values for their inventory. In this way, you learn directly from your tools what you can do to make your production even more efficient and reliable.

What DVS Tool Management does
  • Digital tool file
  • Recording of tool life
  • Overview of inventory
  • Notifications and alarms
  • Performance monitoring
  • Securing of supply
How DVS Tool Management fits your processes

Together with you, we create the individual solution for your smart tool management. To do this, we adapt a whole range of variables precisely to your needs and circumstances: Tool identification, data exchange, warehousing, demand planning and delivery. DVS Tool Management thus fits specifically into your existing process and system landscape.

How to access DVS Tool Management

Because DVS Tool Management is an element in the DVS Group digital ecosystem, you can access it directly at your machine through DVS Edge - and beyond that at any time from anywhere via our DVS Connect digital platform.

Tool Management Options

DVS Tool Management Optionen





Tool Traceability via DMC

Access to the tool file incl. protocols and history

Data acquisition via mobile devices / DVS Connect Portal (Web)

Data acquisition via NFC / RFID / IIoT telemetry / APIs


Definition of alarms


Demand forecast and utilization recommendation



Automatic order of tools



Error analysis and evaluation / benchmarking



Individual solutions for specific use cases




On request

On request

On request

DVS DIGITALGood solutions start with good listening

We are your perfect partner for all questions concerning digital solutions - especially when it comes to demanding tasks.

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