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Pro AC - Profile Angle Correction
Improve the quality of your workpieces with<br />ProAC Pro AC - Profile Angle Correction

„A big advantage of the direct installation with DVS Edge is that ProAC directly accesses the machine's gear and tool data.“

On the way to the smart machine, with ProAC we offer you a logic for calculating the profile angle correction during hob peeling, which is based on sophisticated 3D vector calculations. The special thing about it: You can use the application very easily via the customer portal DVS Connect or with DVS Edge also directly on the machine.


The ProAC software simplifies the determination of profile angle errors, saves time and minimizes potential sources of error, which ultimately contributes to more efficient and economical production.


ProAC enables calculations for cylindrical or conical tools - regardless of whether the profile angle error originates from tool manufacturing or is caused by regrinding of the conical tools.


The calculation can be performed reliably by accessing the tool and machine data directly at the machine via DVS Edge, so that no manual input is required.

Other advantages of ProAC
  • Easy handling without complex calculations
  • Fewer operator errors 
  • Visual display for the operator or message if no improvement of the profile angle error is possible
  • Fewer setup parts
  • Reduction of setup time
  • Correction of tool errors
  • Suitable for both conical and cylindrical tools
  • Shorter waiting time, higher machine availability
ProAC – Approximation by iteration

ProAC is based on the principle of iteration calculation. Variable parameters such as the axis cross angle (sigma angle) or the kappa angle are varied according to a specific logic. The intersection points of the two profile lines are then compared with a zero-degree profile angle error.

In the optimal case, these three surfaces meet at one point, theoretically resulting in a profile angle error of 0 degrees.

In addition, ProAC monitors limits to ensure that the tool does not collide with the workpiece if there is too much change in sigma or kappa.

How to access ProAC

Because ProAC is an element in the DVS Group digital ecosystem, you can access it directly at your machine through DVS Edge - and beyond that at any time from anywhere through our DVS Connect digital platform.

ProAC Options


Free Tier




10 calculations per month

Pay Per Use from the 11th calculation




On request

On request

SalesGood solutions start with good listening

"For all questions concerning skiving and turning, we are your perfect partner – especially when it comes to challenging tasks."

Christian Rhiel, Managing Director

T +49 (0)6074 4873-258
M +49 (0)151 241 320 81



Christian Rhiel von PITTLER T&S