It is part of the essence of our group to think in larger contexts. This concerns cooperation within the Group itself. It relates to the development of future mobility and it goes far beyond that: what happens somewhere else in the world does not leave us untouched here - be it on the Ahr or in Africa. As far as possible, we therefore support initiatives that provide targeted help where this aid really arrives and makes a noticeable difference.
DVS TECHNOLOGY AG has been working with PfefferminzGreen e.V. for many years and during this time has become the most important private supporter of the work of the non-profit organisation. PfefferminzGreen works closely with non-governmental organisations in Sierra Leone to set up and support social projects directly on-site. The support is deliberately channelled into very concrete measures in order to achieve the greatest possible impact in specific areas.
One flagship project, for example, is the financing of the salaries for the teachers of the primary & secondary school by the DVS TECHNOLOGY GROUP, which has been going on for years. The school also maintains an affiliated orphanage and kindergarten.